Hencol offer an all-in-one solution for beef producers. Weight and growth in realtime, feed costs and much much more

Powerful tools for farmers
That never before existed
Automatic weighing
We created a custom scale. That works in any environment. Let your animals weigh themselves. Without any human contact. In their own stress free environment.
Reliable growth and weight data in real time
All the data you get is in real time. Constantly being collected and processed. Without you needing to do anything.
Future forecasts
State of the art algoritms that give you future growth, weight and dates of achieved target weight and much more.
How it works

About 1 second is all that is needed.
We are proud of our world-leading technology where we can read an animal’s identity (in an RFID tag), measure a weight and send the information up in the cloud, where our algorithms process the data. All in about a second and completely without human intervention.
Let the animals weigh themselves in their own stress free environment
We take responsibility for collecting your animals weight data. Ensuring that our service and all its hardware work properly. So you can focus on your animals well being and making sure your production is going well.
Breeder, Sweden
“Today I know that I produce more climate smart meat thanks to Hencol system”
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